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Growing in Christ through the Beatitudes

31 meditations for individuals or groups

Check out the Genesis Studies book!

“Do you want to get well?” John 5:6

The man had been paralyzed for many years. What a strange question which Jesus asked him. Don’t all sick people want to get well?

Sometimes we feel paralyzed, too, within our minds and emotions. Jesus may be asking us the same question: Do you want to get well? Do you want to change?

We all need change. But things we do and ways we think keep us from growing. Jesus knows how to heal us, but do we want it?

This book can help you get up and walk into greater freedom. It will guide you in meditation and prayer for 31 days in the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5.

The Beatitudes offer hope for all followers of Jesus, wherever they are on their journey. For 2,000 years these eight pearls of wisdom have helped people find strength and purpose for living in this dark world. Jesus promises blessing – true happiness and peace – to everyone who learns His ways.

What paralyzes you? Isn’t it time to get up and walk?
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