Home   Following Jesus Together
“Greet Priscilla and Aquila… And greet the church that meets at their house.” (The apostle Paul, Romans 16:3,5)

Check out the House Church Studies book!

For the first 300 years of the Christian faith, believers met almost exclusively in homes. Today in much of the world, followers of Jesus still meet in homes. But many ask important questions:

“Are we really a church if we meet in a home? What really is a Christian church? Are we doing what we should be doing?”

The early house churches spread rapidly and changed their world. A major reason this happened was because they stayed faithful to the teachings of Jesus and His apostles. The house churches of the 21st century will grow and change their world in the same way.

This book has been written to help your group live out the teachings of Jesus in community. It will help you to be confident that you can truly be a house church that is salt and light in the world. And you can be sure He is with you when you gather.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20)
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